What Are The Most Common Entry Points For Burglars?

Posted on: 11.08.2016
Burglar breaking and entering

The majority of people assume that they will never suffer a home burglary and few people take the threat seriously enough to take precautions. It is however essential to take preventative steps, as burglaries are  common and can be an extremely traumatic experience, leaving many feeling thoroughly violated.

Although movies tend to portray break-ins as being daring and well planned, most are generally simple and fast, whether planned or unplanned.  Unfortunately, there are plenty of seasoned thieves with the courage and audacity to enter residential properties; usually through five common entry points.

Front door with chain

1. Front door

It may be hard to believe that a burglar would have the nerve to enter your home by simply walking through the front door but this is often the case. Unlocked doors make an easy target but even locked doors present little problem; professional burglars know all the common hiding places for spare keys whether it be under the doormat, flowerpot or garden ornament. A lot of the time burglars don’t even bother using a key; they have tools capable of bypassing locks or they will simply kick down a door or smash a glass panel in order to gain entry. 

Take a few precautions:

  • Lock the door even if you are in the house.
  • Install a deadbolt lock – they provide extra protection.
  • Fit a sturdy entry door rather than an inferior quality, cheaper one.
  • Use a deadbolt and/or door chain at night.
  • Fit motion sensor lights to illuminate the house.
  • Consider fitting a burglar alarm. 

Back door with lock

2. Back Doors or Patio Doors

The second most common entry point is the back door and is usually preferable for the burglar, generally being away from prying eyes. A back door is also more likely to be left unlocked when the owner is home.  Sliding doors are particularly vulnerable because the glass can easily be smashed and their lock mechanisms are usually rudimentary. Some sliding doors can actually be opened by being lifted off of their track even when locked.

  • Always lock doors.
  • Install strong, good quality locks.
  • Place a dowel in the tracks of sliding doors to stop them opening.
  • Fit a bolt to sliding doors to prevent them being lifted off their tracks easily.
  • Fit motion sensor lights.
  • Install CCTV cameras.

Window lock on window

3. Windows

Windows are often the most fragile entry point in most homes.  Unfortunately, the sound of breaking glass rarely catches the attention of passers-by or neighbours.  Many people ignore any sound if it only occurs once.  However, a burglar doesn’t necessarily have to break a window to gain access, with many often not having decent locks or actually being latched at all.

  • Fit good quality window locks and use them.
  • Keep large shrubbery trimmed back.  Try to avoid providing hiding places for the potential thief.
  • Fit motion sensor lights.
  • Install a burglar alarm.

Gate with padlock

4. Gates

Gates are usually fairly easy to climb over but again many people leave them unlocked or even propped open. They can also provide cover for the would-be intruder once they have gained access to the rear of the property.

  • Never leave rubbish bins or other helpful items near the gate to help the burglar on his way over.
  • Fit quality bolts and padlocks to gates and keep them locked.  It may not be particularly convenient for you on a daily basis but certainly not as inconvenient as a burglary would be.
  • Again security lights and burglar alarms are the best deterrent.

Garage door with CCTV sign

5. Garage Doors

Garages which are attached to your house are a prime target for burglars to gain entry to your home. This is because many people think that once their garage door is locked there is no need to lock the door from the garage into the house. However, garage doors are often fairly easy to break and once the burglar is inside they have free access to the entire house and the added advantage of concealment from prying eyes. Garages also often contain some prime goods such as cars, power tools, expensive sports equipment etc.

Protect your garage doors:

  • Lock both the garage door and any internal doors.
  • Make sure that the locks are of the best quality possible.
  • Ideally, the garage door should be made from a strong material such as metal or hardwood.
  • Never leave your garage door wide open for long periods of time, even when you are working close by.  A potential thief doesn’t need a good long view of any valuable goods if they are casing the property.

Taking a few precautionary measures will always be the best way to protect your home from invasion.  Security lights, burglar alarms, CCTV and good quality locks are all ways to improve your chances of avoiding any potential risk. Prevention is always better than suffering the trauma of arriving home to find your home in disarray and your precious goods long gone.

Author: Door Controls Direct Posted by: Door Controls Direct

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