
About us

Door Controls Direct, your dependable source for door solutions that will keep people safe and secure

Dependable Door Control Solutions

We believe everyone should be safe and secure in their surroundings.

At Door Controls Direct we are:

  • Setting the standard for delivering reliable door control solutions.

  • Revolutionising the door controls industry, providing innovative solutions and extensive knowledge, all with a commitment to quality.

  • From our beginning over 100 years ago in the South West, direct to your site, office, or facility, providing our customers with reliable products and expert guidance.

  • We’re sharing our knowledge to find solutions which keep people safe and secure.

Let us give you the confidence that every entrance, every access point, and every security challenge is met with an unwavering solution.

About Us

Our History

Our Values



We share our knowledge with customers & colleagues to offer the best solutions.



For providing easily available product, advice and support both on and offline



In our people and our products through collaboration and considered team involvement.



To providing quality products and exceptional value with the very best customer experience.