Fire Door Safety

Showing 17 - 24 out of 24

    Is Your Home Safe From Fire?

    Unfortunately, the chief cause of most house fires is either accidental or simple carelessness; a curtain gently wafting near a burning candle, a cigarette which has not quite been stubbed out properly or a chip pan left unattended. Yes, electrical faults can occur too but they are far rarer! There are countless examples of exactly how easily a house fire can start.   Below you will find a useful fire-safety checklist which offers a few handy pointers on how to avoid becoming the victim of a house...
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    Fire Doors Are The First Line Of Defence

    Fire doors are the first line of defence in the event of a fire breaking out, designed to save lives and protect property, and yet despite the clear potential risks, fire doors are an area that is frequently neglected in both residential and commercial properties. It is essential for a fire door to play its role efficiently in terms of fire safety within a buildings fire protection system, but this can only happen providing: Careful attention has been applied to ensure that the specification...
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    Fire Doors Vs Fire Escape Doors

    Fire doors are one of the most commonly misunderstood types of door that we encounter as architectural ironmongers. Fire Door, Fire Escape Door– they’re the same thing right? Well actually no; the two are very different and as such have different ironmongery requirements. So What is a Fire Door? Fire doors are used to compartmentalise buildings. In the event of a fire, these doors will slow down the spread of smoke and fire throughout the building without hindering...
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    How To Check Fire Doors For Safety

    Fire doors provide an essential barrier against the spread of both fire and smoke and are, therefore, an essential safety feature in any building where people work or visit and in buildings where there is shared occupancy in multiple living units, i.e. apartment buildings. They are a particularly important feature on escape routes. However, fire doors are only effective if they are functioning efficiently so they must be checked frequently in close detail to ensure that they remain in good working...
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    How well Would Your Staff Perform In A Fire...

    In the event of a fire at your work place, it is absolutely critical that your staff are well trained enough to function efficiently in such a crisis; it really doesn’t matter how recent your Fire Risk Assessment is or how well written your emergency plan if no one has taken any notice of your instructions or even practiced an actual fire-drill. In most cases, no-one ever really believes that ‘it’ will happen to them!   Unfortunately, in the case of work place fires, they most certainly do. ...
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    Fire Door Safety: What you need to know

    Fire doors are not just doors; they are designed to act as a safety device in the event of a fire. They can be found almost everywhere in schools and hospitals, in warehouses and care homes and many small businesses. They can help save the lives of people and property and have a fire rating of between 30 minutes and 120 minutes. When a fire door is maintained correctly and closed, it compartmentalises the building and slows the spread of fire from room to room.  A fire door refers to the entire door assembly, not just...
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    Reduce the risk of workplace fires

    Every single year there are over 20,000 work based fires in the United Kingdom most of which are avoidable.  If you are an employer, the owner, landlord, or occupier of business premises you are responsible for fire safety.  Essentially this means that it is crucial to make it your business to know the most common causes of workplace fires and to take preventative steps to reduce the risks. In reality, there are four main causes of fires in the workplace and below, we explore how and why they happen, as well as...
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    Fire Doors Can Only Work When Closed

    When is a fire door not a fire door?  When it’s ajar! The very existence of fire doors is for the protection of the occupants of a building. In the event of a fire, a closed and sealed door will prevent fire and smoke from spreading into corridors and stairs for a period of time (usually up to 30 minutes).  This will protect the vital areas which provide a way out for people.  However, they only serve their purpose if they are kept shut at all...
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Showing 17 - 24 out of 24